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Third Graders

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December 07, 2007



The north pole was a blast.We had dance around me and Santa clause we did the limbo. Wow I can't explain no more.


Mrs Meeler that was a really good post. I enjoyed looking at myself dace like an elf. Mr,Harris looked really funny.


as an elf i was danceing and i was dressed as a elf


I think it is funny making ourself like elfs. And it is funny when the little elfs dance. I hope we do more!


i was dancing when i was an elf then i quit..


The videos were great ms. meller you should do one about you.


My adventures as an elf was really fun and we speant alot of time together and had alot of people dance with us.


hi i am very interested in you doping elves! is it fun?
i cant wait to see bye!


Ha,Ha,Ha! They look so funny doing that!

Olijah the Young Rex

I elfed myself, and it was so funny I allmost died! I am going to elf my parents, lol! Ha,Ha,Ha,Ha,Ha,Ha,Ha,Ha,Ha!!!


It was wosm

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