Our Third and Fourth Graders are new to blogging and they have been working very hard on developing their first post.
We have spent the last several sessions creating an "All About Me" web in Kidspiration 2. Several of you are finished with your web and are ready to start typing your paragraph.
Remember that a paragraph has 3 parts. The first part of paragraph is your topic sentence. The topic sentence tells your readers what your paragraph is about. Ask yourself, "What is the paragraph about?" Then write your topic sentence based on the answer. Since you are writing about "you", your sentence may sound like this: My name is Todd, and I am going to tell you all about myself.
After your topic sentence, you will write your detail sentences. Detail sentences tell your readers more information about the topic. Look at your web you created in kidspiration 2. Write one sentence for each category (school, things I like, things I am good at, I don't like, home).
The last part of a paragraph is you conclusion sentence. Your conclusion sentence tells your readers what your paragraph was about. It is very similar to your topic sentence, but it should not be the same exact words. If my topic sentence is My name is Todd, and I am going to tell you all about myself. a good conclusion sentence would be That is all you ever wanted to know about me!
What are a few more things to remember about writing a good paragraph?
- Indent the paragraph (tab key on the keyboard).
- Capitalize the first word in every sentence.
- End each sentence with the correct punctuation mark.
I can't wait to read all of your Good Paragraphs! Let's get busy!
ms. meeler I have done something I regret .
Posted by: shay | November 01, 2007 at 01:40 PM