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Third Graders


February 04, 2008


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cool blog i really like the red.


Fabiola why do you think about allagators when you read my blog


your blog is really preety I was goning to get that one.


your blog is really preety I was goning to get that one.

Mrs. Ross

Great paragraph Fabiola! I don't blame your mom about pets. They can be really messy and a lot of work! Do you like to read and to write? I love to read.


dear fabiola,
nice shoes. where you get them?


I don't know causse they gave it to me.


Thank you I don't really like to read but I like to write.


hay fabiola whats your favorite food.


my favorite food is pizza to.


Fabiola - you are doing an excellent job. 10 comments!!! Wow! Keep up the good blogging!

Ms. Frascatore

Hello Fabiola! How are you doing? I didn't like to read when I was your age either. But then I started to read mystery books-and now I LOVE to read. I also love to dance. I was in dance class when I was three years old and took classes until I was 28! I love to do ballet-especially on toe shoes!


I like math too. And I also don't like drugs. My mom thinks the same thing about dogs.Do you like Social Studies?


I am doing great.I hope you feel well. Do you know what happend to Mrs.Stoudmire? well if you don't know I'll tell you. well she was driving to our school and a car crashed into Mrs.Stoudmires car and she got hurt.Come back.


COOL Sammy.I don't eirther.I don't its boring . what are you doing?


Your blog is pretty neat! I loved your all about me story you did at the top. I can tell you don't like doing drugs. Hope you write to me!

Ms. Frascatore

Hello Fabiola! How are you doing? I hope that you are continuing to do well in school and are reading lots of books. I actually just finished The Kite Flyer (Ms. Rikard suggested it) and I loved it!

I am feeling much better. I am hoping that I will be able to come back to Georgia by the middle of May. I have another doctor's appointment at the end of April-so I am keeping my fingers crossed.

Please enjoy the rest of the school year. It is going to fly by!

Ms. Frascatore

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