Last week we showed you the best examples of “The Six Traits of Writing”. Today we are going to talk about them again. Some of us chose to write about beds, rooms, closets, and even cupcakes.
Now I am going to explain the six traits of writing. The six traits of writing have a lot to do with your writing. This depends on how your writing will sound and how it would make your writing feel.
Ideas and Content- Hello, Conventions, and Sentence Fluency.
Conventions- Do you remember what we had planned to do this afternoon?
Sentence Fluency- Yes, I do remember what we were going to do.
Ideas and Content-What are we going to do today?
Conventions- We is going to have a very important meeting.
Sentence Fluency- I knew that we were going to have a meeting today.
Conventions- This meeting is about the plans we are going to do.
Ideas and Content- I know what the plans are for the meeting.
Conventions- We is glade that you know what we are going to do today.
Sentence Fluency- The plans are to see who is going to join the election to be a new member in the club.
Ideas and Content- But the person that we get has to be smart, has to know things about the computers, and he also has to have a good personality.
Conventions- Well we do have to pick a good person to join.
Sentence Fluency- I found the best person we could ever get.
Ideas and Content- Who did you find?
Sentence Fluency- I found this smart, knows about computers, and is intelligent guy that needs a job and he got it his name is “Vladimir Smart.”
Conventions- He is the only good one.
Ideas and Content- You were right you did pick the best person there was.
What did you think?
Is Vladimir Max's great-great-grandson? This sounds really exciting. I hope he does lots of work for the Traits of Writing agency.
Great story, Diana, and I loved the dialogue between the characters. It is a real strength of your writing.
Keep on writing wherever you are next year.
Posted by: Bronwyn G | May 12, 2006 at 03:42 AM