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Bronwyn G

Why do you like maths so much, Diana?
I haven't heard of this story before. Hope the rewriting for it goes as well as you want it to. I'll give you tips and hints, with word choice and ideas.


I like math so much because it is interesting and the things that we do are not so difficult.

Bronwyn G

Do you help others who are finding things more difficult than you do?

And there are still a couple of spelling mistakes!

Mrs. Meeler

Diana -

I like the extra details that you added to your new post.

Remember to add your hyperlinks. It would be nice for your readers to click on a link to your "old" post so they can compare the two and give advice.

I noticed that you didn't include an introduction and conclusion. We will talk about those more this week along with sentence flow.

I always love reading your posts!


Your writing made me think that I should add a conclusion and an introduction. I am glad that you love to read my posts.


Man that is a good post what exellent writing skills


Diana, I think that your new post was perfect. You didn't need any "extra things" You improved alot!


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