I did not just have to do a comment to him I had to do the comment but I did not have to write it I had to podcast it to him. Last Thursday Mrs.Anne Davis came once more to J.H.House. She came because she wanted to podcast all of us in webblogging. But this time we had to do something more difficult. We had to all do a comment to someone in Mrs.Neville's second grade class.The person that I had to do the comment to was Ian.
But it was not like the other one we did.At first when Mrs.Davis said we had to do a podcast to them I was like imbarased and shy to do it but when I really did do it it wasn't so bad. I thought it was going to be like the last podcast we did but it was not this one was a little more interesting. I liked this one more because I kind of had an idea of what it was going to be like.
I am going to give some ideas and contenents I am also going to give some Organization and also voice and word choice:
Ideas And Content:
- What is my topic?
- Is my paper clear?
- Did I try to make my writing come alive?
- Do I have enough details?
- Do I have a good begining middle and end?
- Does my reader understand what I am trying to say?
- Have I included any dialogue?
- What about writing my ideas down and choosing the best one?
- Do I have an orginazation?
- And Do I have enough details?
- How does my topic start?
- Are the details in order?
- Is my paper easy to read?
- Is my paper in time order?
- Does my writing have a good beggining?
- Are all the details in the correct sequence?
- Do my links go with my message?
- How does my topic end?
- Is this interesting to me?
- Did I give my opinion?
- Did I say everything I wanted to?
- What did I like the most?
- Did my readers feel that they could hear my voice?
- Do I like what I wrote?
- Am I comfortable with what I wrote?
- Does my story match my attitude?
- How do I want my readers to feel?
Word Choice:
- Does your writing flow?
- Have I used any exciting words?
- Did you use any vivid vocabulary?
- Did I use different or interesting words?
- Will they make a good comment?
- Do you have descriptive words?
- Did I grab my readers attention with my words?
This is all that I have for you right now and I will try not to make it extremely long like this one but still I hope you like it.
What did you think?
Hi Diana,
I really like how you explain the steps in the process of what we were doing in class. It is very thorough and well written! My hats off to you!
I think that the students in Miss Neville's class will adore your post! They feel so special when you fifth graders write to them.
Your blogging continues to improve! What is your favorite part of blogging?
Mrs. Davis
Posted by: Anne Davis | March 30, 2006 at 11:21 AM
Well Mrs.Davis,
My favorite part of blogging is that we can make comments to other people from all over the world. And I also like having my own blog. It is just amazing that I am can have my own blog, and thank you for reading my blog.
Posted by: diana | April 13, 2006 at 05:45 AM