On December 16 I went to Mexico to be with my family on Christmas and New Years Eve. For Christmas we went over to my grandma and grandpa's house. All of my family was at their house. We had a great time it was so much fun. We got a lot of presents At Mexico I got money and I got a lot of clothes but I left most of my clothes that I got for Christmas at Mexico.
On New Years Eve we had an even better time than we did on Christmas. Well I had a good time but I do not know about my family but me and all of my cusions had a really great time because we went to my house and we went to buy fireworks.Even some of my friends went to my house and we all had fire works and we threw the fire works up and they looked really nice. We also got some things that you can throw up to the sky or just throw them on the ground and they would make a loud sound and they would pop. So we had a great time on New Years Eve to.
The reason I did not come to web logs was because I took the trip to Mexico. In Mexico we almost lasted a month over there. The difference between Mexico and here is that people talk spanish over there and here we talk english and spanish.
To Be Continued...
Mexico must have been an outstanding cultural experience for you. It's always great to visit another country up close, Diana.
(Is that why you haven't been blogging? Because you were on holiday in Mexico?)
Welcome back to JHH and what a great story about your Christmas and New Years' Eve. Very often in Australia we can't really have fireworks because the weather is too hot and around New Years' Eve there are often total fire bans.
I liked hearing about your presents too. Could you describe your clothes in more detail? If you're not naturally vain, it could be torture. I like the detail you put in about the balloons popping. The five senses are very important in writing, and then you have a sixth sense of how to please your reader.
You pleased me, Diana. Thank you.
Posted by: Bronwyn G | January 19, 2006 at 01:20 PM
Diana - we definately missed you when you went to Mexico. Did you know you were going to be there for so long when you left for Christmas? It must be hard missing that much of school when you are gone. Have you had a hard time catching up with your work?
So, you talk in Spanish the whole time you are in Mexico? Then you come back here and talk in English. Is that difficult?
How many of your relatives live in the United States?
Would you rather live in Mexico or in the United States? Why?
Answer these questions when you continue your post next week!
Posted by: Mrs. Meeler | January 20, 2006 at 06:47 AM
I know you went to Mexico because I saw you there.Last New Year's I was in Mexico.Fireworks are really popular in this time of year.
Posted by: Lisa | January 20, 2006 at 11:10 AM
I am so happy you came back from Mexico. I was sort of lonely on Thursdays because Allie and Rocio were at challenge.
Posted by: martha | January 25, 2006 at 11:00 AM
No Mrs.Meeler I was only supose to stay at Mexico for three weeks but we lasted almost one month over there. Some of my family live here but most of them are in Mexico. I would rather live in Mexico because I have more of my family over there and I have more friends over there too.
Posted by: diana | January 26, 2006 at 05:41 AM
I have lots of talents for your info
Posted by: derrick | January 26, 2006 at 05:45 AM
Well, I hate to hear that you would rather live in Mexico but I understand. My whole family lives here in Georgia. In fact, we all live in the same town. My husband and I considered moving one time but then decided we would rather stay with our family. I know you miss your family and friends in Mexico, but now you get to have even more friends that live here too. Hey - do you think your friends and family could read your weblog in Mexico? They would have to have an internet connection and access to a computer. If so, call them and tell them how to read and comment to your blog.
Posted by: Mrs. Meeler | January 27, 2006 at 07:33 AM
Derrick - what talents are you talking about? Where did this comment come from?
Posted by: Mrs. Meeler | January 27, 2006 at 07:34 AM
I am glad that you have a lot of talent for my info. Thank you Derrick.
Posted by: Diana | February 02, 2006 at 05:42 AM
Mrs.Bronwyn G. yes I was not doing weblog for a while because I was in Mexico. I am so glad that I pleased you.
Posted by: Diana | February 02, 2006 at 05:48 AM