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Mrs. Meeler

Diana - your revised post is really good. With the exception of one or two typos, I can tell you put in a lot of hard work. What I liked most about the new post was how you put the article in your own words! I could really hear your voice when I read it. I know that putting it in your own words is sometimes the hardest part of writing, but if you keep practicing it will become much easier.

Kelly Hutcherson

You did a super job!!!

George Walker

I liked your artical very much. Maybe you can answer a question for me. Is the European gallon of gas the same quantity as a USA gallon of gas?


I just wanted to thank you and your class for sharing your blogs with me. I have been around computers and its technology for over 2 decades, but until now never knew what a blog was. Thank you for making me that much wiser!

Tyler Hudson

Hi mt name is Tyler i heard about how school's are starting to use blogging as a part of lesson plans. So i decided to check it out thanks ill check back

Tyler Hudson
Fort Worth, Texas

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