On last Tuesday we did something called podcasting. Podcasting is when somebody gives you an interview and then they put it on a blog so people can listen to your interview. I was a little nervous. I was first up and we did it in front of every body. But when I did it I felt very good. It ended up being a great podcast. If I could podcast somebody I would podcast a fourth grader. I would do that because it is their year where next year they would be fifth graders. I think podcasting is a great experience for everybody. If you want to here my podcast click here Download Derrick.mp3.
What a good idea to initiate the fourth-graders into what you're doing, they can podcast as well as blog and become quite proficient in it by the time they get to your class.
I don't know who I would interview or who I would ask. You always ask such challenging questions, Derrick!
Posted by: Bronwyn G | February 16, 2006 at 01:09 PM
If I could interview someone in the school, I would interview one of the classroom teachers and ask them questions about how they feel about blogging and technology. I would like to know how they integrate the two into their teaching strategies and the impact they feel it has on student achievement and learning.
What kind of questions would you ask a fourth grader?
Posted by: Mrs. Meeler | February 28, 2006 at 06:23 AM
I would ask what are you looking foward to in fifth grade and how do they feel.
Posted by: derrick | March 01, 2006 at 05:33 AM
I like what you write about and I like the Doweload Derrick.mp3.
Posted by: oscar | March 01, 2006 at 11:00 AM