When you compose your post today, concentrate on your voice! I want to hear your VOICE as I read it. Your voice makes your writing unique:
Your voice is what gives your writing personality, flavor and style.
Before we get started, let's try this activity to help us start thinking about voice!
Ask yourself the following questions as you proofread your post:
- Can you tell I am enthusiastic about my topic?
- Does this writing sound like me?
- How do I want my readers to feel?
- Will my story hold readers' attention? Will they want to hear more?
Read Schuyler's post on Croc-wrestling granny wins award. Can you hear his voice? Schuyler did a great job giving an overview of the article and then giving his opinion. Try using a similar method as you write about your current event article!
Hi! I got your comment and I was a vegaterian but my mom said "you need more protein!" so I started to try new foods and I liked them but I still love animals and if the animal is endangerd I will not let me family eat it!
Posted by: Alexa | March 17, 2006 at 08:29 AM