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Mrs. Meeler

Well I know that I will learn so much this year! For example, our 3-5 grades will be printing electronic report cards so I will learn how that works. I hope to learn more about creating subwebs for teachers to publish their own websites. Of course, I can't wait to learn more about weblogging in the elementary schools to enhance learning and teaching as well. I love your blog Mrs. Babin! Keep up the good work!

Mrs. McCullers

I know that I'll be learning so much this year. In fact, I know I learn something new each day. Although I've been in third grade for a few years now, each class is different. I have to learn how to adapt my teaching for individual students and situations. I just love learning!


Mrs.Babin thanks for helping me study multipication how is Eddie, Sammy,and Moises.I really miss them hope you have a great classroom.


HI Mis.Babin I Like my tercher this year she iS nice jist Just like you was and she is haveing a baby.


i really miss being your
student we had so much fun
last year i wish i was in third grade bbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyy.

Anne Davis

This weblog is going to be sooooooo cool! I look forward to reading it! Learning is great, isn't it? I'm learning all sorts of new technology tools that are perfect for classroom use. I am going to come visit and share them! Good luck and keep on blogging!


I want to learn how to write in cursive and do division.


I want to learn how to write in cursive and how to do the under curve.


I want to learn how to write in cursive.I want to learn mutiplication.I want to learn long division.I want to do timetables.


I will like to learn math like this 5+5+5+5-8=17
now you knowi like hard math.


I want to learn about Division and time tabels.I would like to learn how to be a teacher when I grow up. I also want to learn how to write in cursive. I want to learn about Millon,Thousons,Hundreds,Tens,and Ones.


I want to learn cursive.I want to learn division.I want to learn some more math.I want to learn how to read cursive.I want to learn multiply problems.


Dear Mrs. Babin I want to learn cursive becaus is fun.


I want to learn how to write a sentence in cursive.I want to multiply. I want to learn to read in cursive.


I want to lean about multiplication so I can get better at it when I get in fifth grade. Thank you


Dear Mrs. Babin I Want too learn how to write cursive.


As soon as you know the school will already be ofer.You are rite.

david daniel

Mrs babin im sorry that your uncle died.I was there to.At the end i started to criey.I hope you do well.

Gabby  juarez

Thankyou for writing this leter ILOVE YOURE LETER

Gabby  juarez

Its me agin well i just wan't to tell you that you looklike a nice teacher i would love to have as a teacher............. have a nice day

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