Today the king of kings will tell you about the six traits of writing and you readers will be amazed and satisfied after you read this. I will teach you about helpful hints and they are Ideas and Content, Organization, Voice, Word Choice, Sentence fluency, and Conventions. If I were you I would write some of these helpful hints on a piece of paper so now our first category is ideas and content.
Ideas and Content
1.Think of a good exciting topic by brainstorming.
2.Make sure you have enough details in each and every sentence.
3.Make sure when readers read your story, they know what you are saying.
4.Get all of your ideas together and make sure you have enough.
1.Look very carefully at how your topic starts like.
2.Make sure your story has a good beginning, middle, and end.
3.Look carefully at how the story ends.
4. Make your writing look easy to read.
1.If you think of something exciting during writing, write it down and your grade will go up.
2.Make your readers think and feel the story while reading it.
3.If you did not like what you wrote in your story, then think of a much better idea.
4.Did you give an opinion?
5.Are you comfortable with your story?
Word Choice
1.Use as many exciting words you got in your mind.
2.Ask yourself if you got people's attention.
3.Use vivid vocabulary.
Sentence Fluency
1.Make sure you have more than five sentences so your story won't be so short.
2.Complete all of your sentences and correct them, but take your time.
3.Make some of your sentences long and creative.
4.Read your story aloud and make sure it makes sense.
1.Do not make all of your letters cramp up together because your readers would not know what you are saying.
2.Make your title name go along with the story.
3.Check for every error in your story and correct them but if you do not know how to correct, ask for help from a buddy or a teacher.
4.Use correct punctuation.
5.Look at and see what is the main idea.
The End
Now What do you do when you start a story?
Hi Angel!
When I read your post I thought of the aphorism: "Racing is the sport of kings, and the king of sports."
This produced a whole of positive associations in my mind.
There is no doubt you are the heavyweight champion of this sort of writing! A champ among champs!
I like really short stories. They often work well for blogs. But they often leave me wanting more. Paragraphs can have five sentences in them, or even more.
Posted by: Bronwyn G | April 27, 2006 at 05:29 PM
Posted by: nofo | October 09, 2007 at 06:14 PM
i loved your post it was so cool you are such a cool bloger MWAH!
Posted by: Henry | October 11, 2007 at 04:57 PM
you are the worst bloger in the whole world i will never ever come on this site again
Posted by: Mystery Person | October 11, 2007 at 05:01 PM
Insane satanists hack in to broadcast, computer, telephone & spy networks. They use weapons, rays or beams, ionising eqipment & change molecular structures & air direction. They exploit human brains, the autonomic & limbic systems & memory. They talk over people & 'brainwash'. They believe in possession by the dead & communicate with hell by use of tape "Memorex and delay" by 3 methods & computer. They are watching you & whispering. You are the opposite of what you are told. You may be clever, important, powerful & funny now but you are Already Dead.
I know the formula & recognize the symptoms & signs of the disease. The formula is a script, plot, code & puzzle, in songs, books, nursery rhymes, pantomimes, games & toys, e.g. The Bible, Alice In Wonderland, Monopoly, Ugly Dolls. The formula is very old & has been turned & twisted. It was used in the Moors Murders in England in the 1960s, the 9/11 bombings, the murder of Princess Diana.
It is very, very dangerous.
Posted by: Ruth Jolly | March 16, 2009 at 06:14 AM
Posted by: DAWG | January 27, 2012 at 07:11 AM