Hi my name is Adriana. There are so many interesting things about my live. I was born in my hometown in Belview Ohio. Iwas born in March 11.
I named my weblog page Adriana Interesting thoughts.when I was naming it I was thinking of my name.Also to stand out. Something really cool. Then I had a long time of thing of all the names that I could name it. then I said to myself " I need to name it something interesting. When I said interesting I thought of Adriana interesting thoughts. I thought to myself is that a good name for my weblog. I did name it like that.
The pet I love the most is a dog. I have one myself. Most of the dogs are loyal. In order to keep it save you need to take it a bath. some are so dangerous that they can attack you easily so be careful out there.
One of my the other things that. I love my family. i have three sisters and one brother my mom and step dad. My three sisters names are Betty, Diana, and Jennifer. My brother's name is Ricardo. He is 16 years old. Betty is my twin sister . People say that we look alike. Diana is 15 years old and Jennifer is 14 years old. That is my family.
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