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Bronwyn G

Hi Adriana!

As far as I can see, you're the first student to have composed a post in Ms Shaw's class.

But you study under Emmert, am I right?

What a shame you didn't get to finish your post. I hope you get to make lots of comments to your fellow students.

I live in Australia by the way. We have many languages and cultures here, as well as strange animals.


Hi Adriana!
I love the name of your blog and I can't wait to read all your interesting thoughts. You have made a great start. How interesting that you have a twin sister! What is the best part about being a twin? You shared so many interesting facts in your first post that I want to say how very nice to meet you. Keep up the good writing!
Mrs. Davis

Bronwyn G

I love your interesting thoughts. Especially about dogs and your family. I really enjoyed reading about how most dogs are loyal. I imagine your dog loves you.

Happy birthday for the 11th. I hope you will celebrate your birthday with a post and lots of comments. My birthday is on the 21st.

Mrs. Meeler


Your post was very interesting; thus, the name of your weblog is very appropriate!

I must know more about your feelings of being a twin too. I have one older sister, but I have always wondered it would be like to have a twin.

Tell me your thoughts about writing. Do you like to write? Why or why not?

Ms Sanchez

The things you talk about were beuatiful I can not wait to hear more about your thoughts, in the future

Mrs. Emmert

Hey Adriana! I learned so much about you from your post that I did not know. I didn't know you were born in Ohio or that you have 2 other sisters. I look forward to reading more posts from you!

Nancy McKeand

Hi, Adriana! I have twin nieces who are all grown up now. They ended up getting married at the same time and just had their first babies a few days apart. Do you and Betty do things together a lot? Do you think you will do that even when you are older like my nieces?


Hi Adriana,

Your first blog posting is terrific! You wrote some very interesting things, so I think the name you picked for your blog is perfect!

My birthday is two days after yours and I have an older brother, too. You know about my dogs, tell me more about your dog.


Hi again Brownyn this is me Adriana.Thank you for commenting to my weblog.Yes, I am in Ms. Emmert's class.I really love to learn about all the languages that you speak there.I have heared that there are aqlot of kangaroos.Most of the time you look out a winndow you can see one.Here when you go for a walk you see a lot of dogs.I am more around dogs then anyother animal.


Hi again Brownyn this is me Adriana.Thank you for commenting to my weblog.Yes, I am in Ms. Emmert's class.I really love to learn about all the languages that you speak there.I have heared that there are aqlot of kangaroos.Most of the time you look out a winndow you can see one.Here when you go for a walk you see a lot of dogs.I am more around dogs then anyother animal.Tell people about my weblog.Tell them to comment.Please keep on commenting.

Bronwyn G

I don't often see kangaroos outside my window. I do see Crimson Rosellas though and galahs - a variety of bird life.


Adriana,I really liked your post, it shows how much creativity you have. I think you are going to be one of the best writers in your web log class. Good Luck!


I wonder why cats aren't as loyal as dogs?

Bronwyn G

Because being loyal is dog nature and being sneaky is cat nature.

I'll see if I have a better scientific explanation ...


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